PROFI Elektro
Stoziar Meraci pristroj Svietidla Hala Trafo

Licenses and Certificates

Business Register

Obchodný register 1Obchodný register 2Obchodný register 3

Trade Register

License PROFI Elektro - without voltage limition

Trade Certificate PROFI Elektro - Assembly, Reconstruction and Maintenance of appropriate technical equipment

Trade Certificate PROFI Elektro - Repair, Professional Inspections and Professional Testing of appropriate technical equipment

Trade Certificate PROFI Elektro - Designing and Engeneering of electrical equipment

ISO 9001:2001

ETALUX - Association of manufactures and suppliers of lighting technology

Certificate PROFI Elektro - Measuring of the intensity of artificial lighting in living and working environment

Metrology of illumination

Certificate of Luxmeter Calibration

Insurance Contract PROFI Elektro

Poistná zmluva Generali